Meet our Team

Principal Investigator

Uri Manor, PhD

email: u1manor at ucsd dot edu

Research interests: microscopy, cell biology, organelle dynamics, actin cytoskeleton, photo-toxicity, hearing loss, gene therapy, neuro-degenerative diseases, machine learning, image analysis

Staff Researchers

Tomoko (Tommie) Velasquez

Lab Manager

email: t1velasquez at ucsd dot edu

Elena Chrysostomou, PhD

Research Associate IV

email: echrysostomou at ucsd dot edu

Research Interests: Neurodegeneration and hearing loss, Aging and hearing loss, Light Microscopy, Hearing and behavior tests

Yuning Wang

Research Associate I

email: yuw236 at ucsd dot edu

Research Interests: Neurodegeneration and neural plasticity, Organelle dynamics, Light Microscopy, Deep-learning based image analysis

Lauren Sullivan

Research Associate I

email: lasullivan at ucsd dot edu

Research Interests: Hearing loss and neurodegeneration, Inner ear microdissection, Light microscopy, Hearing and behavioral testing

Postdocs and Graduate Students

Cara Schiavon, PhD

Post-doctoral Fellow

email: caschiavon at ucsd dot edu

Research Interests: cell biology, organelle dynamics, mitochondria, neurodegeneration, live-cell imaging, fluorescence imaging

Cayla Miller, PhD

Post-doctoral Fellow

email: cayla at ucsd dot edu

Research Interests: Light Microscopy, Neuronal cytoskeleton, Deep-learning based imaging analysis

Julien Cicero, PhD

Post-doctoral Fellow

email: jucicero at ucsd dot edu

Research Interests: Cell engineering, Microscopy, Organelle dynamics

Yasmin Kassim, PhD

Post-doctoral Fellow

email: ykassim at ucsd dot edu

Research Interests: Biomedical Image Analysis, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision

Samprita Das, PhD

Post-doctoral Fellow

email: sad011 at ucsd dot edu

Research Interests: Eps8, Hearing loss, OSKM

Alma Renero

PhD Candidate

email: arenero at ucsd dot edu

Research Interests: AAV Gene Therapy, Inner ear hearing loss

Weronika Matysik

PhD Candidate

email: wematysik at ucsd dot edu

Research Interests: neurodegeneration, aging, organelle dynamics, mitochondria

Aaditya Prasad

Master’s Student

email: aaprasad at ucsd dot edu

Research Interests: Deep learning, Object tracking, Neuroscience

Visiting Researchers

Elena Rebollo, PhD

Imaging Core Director at the Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona

email: erebollo at ucsd dot edu

Research interests: organelle dynamics, super-resolution microscopy, label-free imaging, phototoxicity

Vijay Venu Thiyagarajan

Deep Learning Researcher in the Harris Lab at the University of Texas, Austin

email: vvenu at utexas dot edu

Research interests: Deep Learning, Image Segmentation

Cody Carroll, PhD

Assistant Professor at the University of San Francisco

email: cjcarroll at usfca dot edu

Research interests: Functional, longitudinal, and high-dimensional data analysis, Nonparametric statistics, Machine learning, Communication through statistics

Student Interns

Jeffrey Chen

Data Science Intern (Master’s Student) at the University of San Francisco

email: jchen255 at dons dot usfca dot edu

Research interests: 

Abhijeeth Erra

Data Science Intern (Master’s Student) at the University of San Francisco

email: aerra2 at dons dot usfca dot edu

Research interests:

Zhuoling Huang

Undergraduate Intern

email: zhh010 at ucsd dot edu

Research interests: Deep Learning, Image Analysis

Samer Salim

Undergraduate Intern

email: samer dot s334234 at gmail dot com

Research interests:

Samia Rahman

Undergraduate Intern

email: samiarahman0708 at gmail dot com 

Research interests: deep learning, image analysis

Kevin Huang

Undergraduate Intern

email: keh002 at ucsd dot edu

Research interests: Deep learning, Cell engineering


Pauline Wales, PhD

Post-doctoral Fellow, 2021

Now at Nikon Instruments

email: pauline4wales at gmail dot com

Alaa A. Latif

USF Intern, 2020

Now at 


Zijun (Annette) Lin

USF Intern, 2020

Now at


Chandrish Ambati

USF Intern, 2021

Now at


Fan Li

USF Intern, 2021

Now at


Jasmine Feng

Summer Intern 2019

Now at National Council for Mental Wellbeing


Kathryn Reda

Summer Intern, 2021

Undergraduate at University of Richmond

email: kathryn dot reda at richmond dot edu

Zack Deane

Research Assistant, 2022

Now IACUC coordinator at the Salk Institute

email: zdeane at salk dot edu

Colbie Chinoswky

Post-doctoral Fellow, 2022

Now at ONI microscopy


Yuzuru Ninoyu, PhD

Visiting Post-doc (Freidman Lab @ UCSD), 2023

Now Assistant Professor at Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine


Arlo Sheridan

Machine Learning Specialist, 2023

Now at E11 Bio

email: arlo at e11 dot bio

Michelle Perales-Panduro

Summer Intern, 2023

Undergraduate at University of Richmond


Yu-Hsin Wang

USF Intern, 2023



Andy Cuzco

Summer Intern, 2023

Undergraduate at Fordham University


Mohana Medisetty

USF Intern, 2023

Now at


Cristian Montero

Lab Manager, 2023



Joseph Rhodenhiser

VIsiting Postbac (Terskikh lab), 2023


David Rosenberg

Research Associate IV 2024
